Dr Sammia Shahid Attends Michigan State University's Visiting International Professional Program

Wednesday, September 14 2022

Dr Sammia Shahid Professor of Chemistry and Dean ORIC at the University of Management and Technology, Lahore attended Michigan State University's Visiting International Professional Program.

25 senior university women leaders from diverse academic and leadership backgrounds from all over Pakistan attended a 2-week leadership development program at Michigan State University. This program is a part of a two-year US Department of state-funded project aimed to address the equity gap in women’s higher education leadership in Pakistan. The group was formally welcomed to MSU and East Lansing by Dr Jerlando Jackson, Dean of the College of Education and East Lansing Mayor Pro Tem Jessy Gregg, East Lansing City Council Member.

The goal of this exchange program is to support the advancement of Pakistani women leaders in higher education by improving gender equity and enhancing women’s decision-making skills. The program provides the opportunity to network with women leaders at various US universities throughout the duration of the program.

The program builds the understanding that the extraordinary group of women will do great things and use the strategies they have learned in the USA not only in their own careers as scholars and academic leaders but also to continue the important work of building leadership opportunities for women in Pakistan.

Program details available at