Ibrahim Hasan Murad Shares Some Heartfelt Memories of Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad
Friday, September 20 2019
Ibrahim Hasan Murad, President UMT and ILM Trust, shared memories of his father, Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad (Late) during a heartfelt speech. He was speaking at a special event dedicated to the legacy of Dr Hasan Sohaib Murad. He shared memorable moments of his life with Dr Hasan. He said that last year was the most difficult time and it changed everything. The only thing which kept him moving was ‘taqwa’ which he had learnt from his father. Dr Hasan considered death as a message of happiness for momimeen.

On a personal note, Ibrahim added that Dr Hasan was more than a father; he was his ideal, mentor, leader and friend. Ibrahim said that it was his belief that his father was lucky to embrace martyrdom. He was kind and humble, always eager to help people irrespective of their societal status. He never said no or asked any question to those who knocked his door for help. Anger was not a part of his personality.

Dr Hasan was a man of patience, so much so that he never used a horn even in the traffic of Lahore. He was an optimist, supportive and truly a nobleman. He invested more than 3 billion rupees for the education of deserving students and never mentioned it to anyone. He helped everyone regardless of their religion. Ibrahim said that his father advised him never to dislike the sinner but only his sins.
Ibrahim added that Dr Hasan had never imposed anything on him but gave him a wider ground to seek passion. He concluded his speech by saying that this event is not for idealizing Dr Hasan but to learn from his moral deeds to improve our lives, society and the country.