UMT IAS Students Win 2nd Position at UAA Poster Competition in USA

Thursday, October 10 2019

A student project ‘Android App Development for Aircraft Maintenance Engineers’ has won 2nd position at the University Aviation Association's Annual Conference Student Poster Competition held at Memphis, TN, USA.  The project was completed by batch 04 BSc Aircraft Maintenance Engineering students Muhammad Shahrukh, Muhammad Mehmood Ashraf and Lazib Jamil and supervised by Arslan Asim and Dr Ahmad Aizaz. It is also worth mentioning that a total of 3 posters submitted by UMT IAS students were amongst the top 10 shortlisted posters.

University Aviation Association (UAA) is an international forum whose purpose is to promote and foster excellence in collegiate aviation education by providing a forum for students, faculty, staff, and practitioners to share ideas, to enhance the quality of education, and to develop stronger programs and curricula to influence aviation education policy at all governmental levels. It also aims to provide and nurture the linkage between college aviation education, the aviation industry, and government agencies. Its members include 233 universities / colleges. Among them, 95% are from the USA, whereas the other 5% include Universities from Canada, Europe, Middle East and Pakistan.

UMT is the only Pakistani University, which has the honour of being its member for the last 3 years. However, it was only this year that Institute of UMT Aviation Studies participated in its annual event through faculty research paper presentation as well as in undergrad students’ poster competition. Prof Dr Ahmad Aizaz represented IAS at the forum of UAA.