UMT Alumna Ada Jaffery Becomes the First Pakistani MEMOSIAN and MADELLA Award Nominee
Monday, October 01 2018
Ada Jaffery, UMT Alumna, completed her Executive Masters in the Management of Sports Organization (MEMOS) from The International Olympic Committee Olympic Solidarity at The Olympic Museum in Lausanne, Switzerland. Her research project titled ‘Developing a Model of Education based on Personal Development, Life Skills and Olympic Knowledge to Empower the National Team Athletes of Pakistan’ was nominated for the prestigious Alberto Madella Award along with other three nominees from Australia, Belgium and Mexico. Madella trophy was awarded to the candidate of Belgium. However; Jaffery’s project was considered the best amongst Canada, Germany, Ukraine, Slovenia and Belize.

A total of 33 countries presented their projects at The Olympic Museum and were given their diplomas by Patrick Baumann, IOC Member, Secretary General of FIBA, GAISF President, and a MEMOSIAN. Ada Jaffery is the first woman to be selected by POA for this prestigious course keeping in line with its policy of gender empowerment.
President POA Lt Gen (Retd) Syed Arif Hasan has praised Ada Jaffery’s academic excellence at this Global Platform. He was glad to share that she will be speaking at MEMOS Convention II on the concept of ‘Global Olympic Schools’ to be held at Portugal later in December 2018. Gen Arif added that it is indeed a proud moment for the country because such an achievement by a Pakistani woman depicts the other side of the story in contradiction to what is portrayed on local and international media.