Post Budget and Analysis of Economic Survey of Pakistan
Monday, June 14 2021
The federal government of Pakistan has proposed a new budget that seeks to boost economic activity and improve the performance on the growth front in the next fiscal year. Accreditations and Academic Quality Improvement Cell (AAQIC) organized a webinar for the Dr Hasan Murad School of Management (HSM) fraternity on June 14, 2021. Dr. Hafiz A. Pasha, Pakistani Economist and Former Federal Minister of Finance and Mr. Shabbar Zaidi, Former Chairman FBR were invited as guest speakers to deliver their diverse perspectives on the Budget 2021-22. Mr. Zaidi in the session addressed the tax problem of Pakistan and provided a detailed review of Pakistan’s taxation structure. On the other hand, Dr. Pasha discussed macroeconomics dimensions of the budget with the participants. He mentioned that in the current budget the government has disbursed an ample amount for development spending. The expansion of revenue in areas of maximum impact such as public infrastructure will help motivate the people and cultivate a positive atmosphere for an enduring tax climate in Pakistan. The webinar further included a Q&A session through which participants gained insightful knowledge from the experts.