Participants Voice Award

Tuesday, June 29 2021

Accreditations and Academic Quality Improvement Cell (AAQIC) organized a ceremony for "Participants Voice Award" on June 29, 2021. The aim of this new initiative is to give recognition to the best value programs university-wide. This year awards were based on the participants' responses received through feedback in the last four semesters. For the forthcoming semesters, this is going to be a usual activity. The awards were classified on the basis of four Degree Program categories offered at UMT.

  1. Undergraduate
  2. Masters
  3. MS/M.Phil.
  4. PhD

A total of 30 certificates were awarded to the nominees from all Schools and Institutes. Dr Muhammad Aslam, Rector UMT and Dr Mujahid Kamran, Chief Advisor on Research and Academic were invited as chief guests. The event was joined by Deans, Directors, CoDs from all Schools and Institutes. Dr Aslam and Dr Kamran congratulated all the winners and encouraged the Deans/CoDs to continue good work in the upcoming semesters.