Assurance of Learning (AOL): Training for UMT Faculty Capacity Building

Thursday, June 24 2021

Assurance of Learning (AoL) is a critical component of Association to Advance Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB) accreditation. Assurance of Learning (AoL) is an assessment tool of student learning to facilitate the success of Business School/Institute in meeting its mission statement. Accreditations and Academic Quality Improvement Cell (AAQIC) arranged an online session on June 24, 2021 with Dr. Nikolina Ljepava for UMT faculty. Dr. Nikolina Ljepava is an Assistant Professor of Marketing, Research Methods and Statistics at American University in the Emirates. The objective of the session was to build skills and gain working knowledge of the steps in the AoL process. During the session, Dr. Nikolina touched upon the following topics: description of Assurance of Learning (AoL), AoL and different accreditation bodies, challenges with AoL, assurance of learning principles, learning assessments, measures of student learning, and curriculum management process. The webinar was further followed by a Q&A session where participants were given the opportunity to find more about the assessment, competency goals (learning goals), and learning objectives. The session was joined by the faculty, Deans/CoDs, and those working on obtaining accreditation for their Schools/Institutes.