2nd Workshop on "Self Assessment Reports"
Friday, November 29 2019
Accreditations and Academic Quality Improvement Cell (AAQIC) at University of Management and Technology (UMT) organized a seminar on “Self-Assessment Report (SAR) Writing of Academic Programs”. Dr. Riaz Ahmad, Director (QEC) from Arid Agriculture University Rawalpindi was invited as Chief Guest to address the Program Team concerns and technicalities related to report writing. The presentation highlighted the merits, needs and mechanism of Quality Assurance and explained the method of self-assessment academic programs. The formation of writing of Self-Assessment report was structured on the basis of standards and criteria as prescribed by Higher Education Commission. The Program Teams found the session thoroughly helpful and informative. Rector Dr. Muhammad Aslam emphasized on assuring the quality of academic programs and presented Dr. Riaz Ahmed with a souvenir for sharing his insight and experience with the team.