Club Membership Form Club/Society Proposal Form Code of Conduct
President Message
The aim of this club is to organize seminars inviting speakers from diverse fields and especially on topics that are often ignored or labelled as taboos. We would also bring the excellent alumni and senior students of UMT to share their valuable experience with us. As I believe we can learn more from those, to whom we can relate more. Its ultimate aim is to cultivate open-mindedness, Enlightenment and tolerance in students. Discussion Corner shall act as a catalyst to develop timely and rigorous discussions on public, social, philosophical and political affairs. The whole purpose of our club and its sub-initiative Discussion Corner can be summed up in the following phrase “Ideas for Enlightenment” that we give value to student ideas and opinion.
M. Nasir Hussain
President UMT talks
Executive council:

The mission of UMT Talks is to create a forum for exchange of thoughts by conducting discussions once or twicea month. The club shall also organize webinars and seminars on less common topics. The topics of discussions & Seminars will include countering harassment, awareness, philosophy, politics, ethics and social issues.
UMT Talks shall organize Seminars on topics that are considered Taboos or are ignored in our Society. Its sub-initiative Discussion Corner provides a place for students to come together and discuss opposing views freely and passionately. To be a catalyst for developing timely, interesting and rigorous discussion of Philosophical, Public and Political affairs
Core Values:
- Tolerance
- Enlightenment
- Diversity of Opinions
- Self-Confidence
- Inspiring Ideas
- Awareness
To create Tolerance, Diversity of Opinions, Enlightenment and Cultivate Open-Mindedness
Contact us:
Facebook: NA
Instagram: @umt_Talks
Email: [email protected]
General Secretary: +92 333 4233108