Club Membership Form Club/Society Proposal Form Code of Conduct
President Message
The motto we have been following since then even in this society is “awareness, charity and plantation”. We do seminars in educational institutes on awareness topics that needs the most of spot light and are even consider a taboo to talk about such as “child abuse “. We also hold reward competitions to encourage and motivate students. We give rashan to those families who can barely make ends meet and even try to pay for schooling of unprivileged students from our own savings and sometimes with the donation we get from our own family or friends circle. We have been trying our best to play active part in plantation activities.
Ammad Ali
President of UMT Social Welfare Society
Executive council:

Our society name is quite self-explanatory. As the name suggest we’re working towards the welfare of the society. Our major mission is to make sure that positive awareness among the society can lead towards betterment and well being of people
The vision is a positive step and contribution in the society for change. We’re starting with small steps. We want that such humbleness takes birth individuals heart that they help others without wanting anything in return.
Core values:
The core values of our society includes, increasing helping hands, working as a group, integrity, humbleness, empathy and having qualities that make you human.
• Awareness on social issues.
• Environmental issues
• Mental health.
• Charity of time and skills (Fund raising with different creative ideas.)
Contact us:
Instagram: NA
Email: [email protected]
General Secretary# 03116898513