Club Membership Form Club/Society Proposal Form Code of Conduct
President Message
We as a happiness club are performing activities for the umt students concerning their psychological distress and also their personal matter solutions in the confidential way. Also we guide them how they can achieve their dreams and also how they can cope up with their problems by providing guidance and also we provide psychological therapeutic secessions.
Our future activities are we may be organizing such activities which will provide students such thinking in which they can achieve their life goals and also how they can cope up with their problems at such time and also help them to transform their negative thinking’s into positive one.
Hassan Ali
President UMT happiness club
Executive council:

Enhance students motivational skills so they can perform in a normal ways without any stressful hustle or any kind of pressure inside the university and as well as the outside of the university.
To see UMT students groom well in life and as a team of happiness club we are all available for them so we can provide our problem solving skills through counseling sections and much more.
To safe guard the student data with us so that they share each and every aspect of their life should be consider confidential between the club member and the student who had shared it.
To provide problem solving skills in the field of general study related issues, life aim setting issues, parental issues, if the student is been facing some depressing or stressful thing we are here to help them with professionalism in our fields and also here to provide them special time and safe regarding their personal information in a well confidential way.
Contact us:
Email Address: [email protected]
General Secretary # 03182859843