Club Membership Form Club/Society Proposal Form Code of Conduct
President Message
CPSIR UMT was established not only for being a club or society that had to exist in the university, but a community with inculcated sense of empathy, humanity, teamwork, a platform to embrace the diversity of thoughts, opinions, ideas, and learning. During the years of being socially active, what I aimed and endeavoured was to disseminate and share whatever I learnt. I believe that in a degree of 4 years of bachelor program we don’t graduate in a particular subject or field but with equal number of credit hours earned and similar quality of education been taught makes us eligible to become a graduate in each one of the courses that has been ever taught during the whole degree program. For us, it becomes a win situation to excel in whatever field we want to pursue with no limitations, for I have a firm believe that domains or scopes don’t restrict us but ourselves or the fears inside us.Know your skills, value yourself, worth your energies and capabilities, learn new skills on your own, focus on soft skills and excel in your passion. The world out there is diverse and strives for innovations every day. Believe in yourself, be empathetic, reconsider your everyday activities, discover people, your surroundings, and DO something whatever satisfies your inner self.I had to take an initiative to ensure leadership and practicality with realistic yet constructive vision in the members of this club. An initiative to continue a legacy of united teamwork with innovative ideas and practical learnings with liberal minds which are tolerant enough to ratify and endorse difference of opinions. An effort to witness the prosperity in coming years and evolving ideas which are not restricted to one tenure only. All this is how I define leadership.
Rohan Khan Baber
President | CPSIR UMT

The Department of Political Science and International Relations is one of the most significant yet least celebrated ones in our university. A department that is comprised of numerous unsung students who are not only dedicated and committed in their domain but are proficient in many skills as well. One of the major backlashes, which is faced by the majority, is a bypassed void where inter-departmental stakeholders the "students", faculty, and cross-Domaine people do not get into a notable interaction.
To fill the gaps, to acknowledge the essence of the department, to explore and introduce a universe over to the horizon, the existence of "Community of Political Science & IR" was envisioned.Moreover, this club is aimed at celebrating the colours of ethnicity, culture, and the diversity of wisdom, intellect, and skills. The club aims to enhance critical thinking, practical learnings, to develop and establish an understanding of the political, economic, social, cultural, and humanitarian issues as well as respective theoretical approaches to provide a free and open platform for the study and brainstorming of the ideas to learn and discuss about such problems of the country and the world.
Core Values
CPSIR aims to break the social stereotypes and breaking the myths and taboos through spreading awareness on matters of social and economic importance as well as shedding light on various political theories and outlooks
CPSIR aims to provide its members as well as the students who are interested in respective Domaine knowledge a platform for career growth through career and educational counselling
CPSIR aims to provide the students with the necessary soft and research skills to be prepared for the job market
CPSIR has initiated a mechanism to guide students regarding research and provide them with a platform to do so
CPSIR also aims on providing our members and the students with internships and jobs in different fields and non-governmental sectors as per the market trends and opportunities. Moreover, students can seek the platform to find and discuss about Webinars and collaboration of international linkages, this will gradually help with the information of scholarships, exchange programs, post grad. Opportunities, etc. And eventually, the society will get global linkages to get the members benefited in various ways.
Contact Us
Email Address: NA
General Secretary# 03201424617