Club Membership Form Club/Society Proposal Form Code of Conduct
President Message
Muhammad Jazam Ali
President | UMT Influencers Community Society

• To provide a home for every social media influencer where they can meet people of their own kind and befriend with
• To provide a platform to virtual artist to collaborate.
• To provide guidance and mentorship to the upcoming virtual artists, social media influencers and creators.
• To provide a platform for social media influencers where they can get In touch with sponsors.
Providing a platform for all the social media creators to befriend each other in the real world, collaborate and help each other to grow
Core values:
• Respect: We recognize that each person has equal, intrinsic worth and deserves to be treated with dignity.
• Innovation: We seek out and embrace new possibilities that can increase our impact.
• Teamwork: We collaborate openly on common goals to leverage the expanded knowledge of our entire community.
• Excellence:
• To improve awareness regarding the opportunities present in social media usage.
• To increase interactions between different socially skilled people.
• To start different initiatives that will expand individual links and group networks.
Facebook: NA
EMAIL:[email protected]
General Secretary: +92 3498684634