Club Membership Form Club/Society Proposal Form Code of Conduct
President Message
The main aim of drama club is to search out talent among students which could be either acting, mimicry, modelling or many other related to script writing. We provide students a framework to showcase their talent. As President of DRAMA CLUB UMT my aim is to further improve the standards of the club and to train, support and help groom the new talent in order to ensure the growth of the club and subsequently the university.
Furthermore, I hope to direct and execute an upcoming drama series titled “KHAAKA 2.0” that will help promote the dramatic development inside the university.
Fatima Hammad
President UMT Drama club
Executive council:

Mission & Vision
To further improve the standards of the club and to train,support and help groom the new talent in order to ensure the growth of the club and subsequently the university
Furthermore we want to keep art and theatre alive in our hearts and culture.
Contact us:
Email: [email protected]
General secretary# 03014653889