Office of The Controller of Examinations (OCE)


These are regular medals on academic basis and some special medals that are sponsored by different organizations.

Special Note:

All medals and awards including (Patron’s and Rector’s Medals, Rector’s Academic Excellence Award, Certificate of Excellence, Special Medal Awards, Rector’s Award for Entrepreneurship & Innovation, Rector’s Research Recognition Awards, Faculty Research Award, Extra Curricular Medals) shall be given in the main convocation being held in November / December each year.

The medals and awards including (Patron’s and Rector’s Medals, Rector’s Academic Excellence Award, Certificate of Excellence) shall only be given in the other convocation being held in March / April each year.

Patron’s and Rector’s Medal


Patron's Medal (Gold)


This award is given to the graduating participants of the following degree programs, on the convocation day, who achieve the highest CGPA at exit point in the respective program, as per the following criteria:


  1. All Bachelors Programs only.
  2. The graduate must have a minimum CGPA of 3.80.
  3. The medal will be given to the graduate(s) who score highest CGPA in each program.


Other Conditions:

  1. The graduate must have completed her/his degree program in the stipulated time.
  2. There should be no “F”, “SA” or “W” grade in the academic program.
  3. There should be no repeat course for grade improvement.
  4. Transfer cases (External/Internal) shall not be considered for the medal.
  5. The graduate should not have been penalized as a result of disciplinary action and/or unfair means.


Rector's Medal (Silver)


This award is given to the graduating participants of the following degree programs, on the convocation day, as per the following criteria:


  1. All Bachelors Programs only.
  2. The graduate must have a minimum CGPA of 3.70.
  3. The medal will be given to the graduate(s) who score second highest CGPA in each program.


Other Conditions:

  1. The graduate must have completed her/his degree program in the stipulated time.
  2. There should be no “F”, “SA” or “W” grade in the academic program.
  3. There should be no repeat course for grade improvement.
  4. Transfer cases (External/Internal) shall not be considered for the medal.
  5. The graduate should not have been penalized as a result of disciplinary action and/or unfair means.


Policy Updated on January 28, 2022

Rector’s Academic Excellence Award

This award is given to the graduating participants of the following degree programs, on the convocation day, who achieve the highest CGPA at exit point in the respective program, as per the following criteria:

  The graduate must have obtained a minimum CGPA of 3.80 in the following programs:

    1. All Masters Programs (equivalent to 16-years of education)
    2. MBA (Professional) 1.5 Years / MBA (Evening) 1.5 Years
    3. MBA (Evening) 2 Years
    4. Executive MBA
    5. Executive MBA (Weekend)
    6. The runners-up in each program, having a minimum CGPA of 3.70, will be awarded “Certificate of Excellence.”



 The graduate must have completed her/his degree program in the stipulated time.

  1. There should be no “F”, “SA” or “W” grade in the academic program.
  2. There should be no repeat course for grade improvement.
  3. Transfer cases (External/Internal) shall not be considered for the medal.
  4. The graduate should not have been penalized as a result of disciplinary action and/or unfair means.









Policy Updated on January 28, 2022