Date:02-06-2020 Time:12:37:32
Examination Policy of UMT in view of COVID-19
Policy Statement
University of Management and Technology (UMT) Lahore, has successfully implemented solutions for the delivery of online education during the period of COVID-19. However, the limitations of presently available solutions for conducting online assessments and final term examinations necessitate a robust policy that ensures consistency and reliability in evaluation of students’ learning. Following policy guidelines are devised keeping in view the practical constraints of conducting off-campus final term examinations.
Policy Guidelines for Examination
- The Spring 2020 semester will end as per academic calendar, i.e. June 13, 2020. The schools which need more time for completing/assuring the course contents or learning outcomes may utilize the gap between semester end and final examination for offering compensatory classes to students.
- Final examinations of Theory courses will be conducted between June 29, 2020 to July 18, 2020. Assessment of Lab courses at Undergraduate level will be held between July 20, 2020 to July 27, 2020.
- The weightage of final term examination will be 60%
- Unless otherwise specified by the relevant accreditation/regulatory bodies, three types of assessment techniques as per following table will be used as final term examination for both undergraduate and graduate level programs across all schools at UMT. In case of the related accreditation council requirements differing from UMT policy, the schools will follow their relevant council requirements.
Table 1- Assessment Techniques Undergraduate Programs
Graduate Programs
Assessment Technique
Assessment Technique
Project / Presentation
Term Paper
Case Study / *Take-Home Open-book Exam (any one of the two)
Case Study / *Take-Home Open-book Exam (any one of the two)
Viva Voce
Viva Voce
*Important Note: The mode of operation for Take-Home Exam is elaborated in point # 7 below.
5. The weightages of assessment techniques mentioned in table-1 can be adjusted / increased / decreased based on the nature of course / subject. Total weightage should however remain 60%.
6. Regular semester projects / presentations which are part of semester assessments (where applicable), will contribute to the continued / during semester evaluations which carry a total of 40% weightage. Projects / Presentations mentioned as assessment technique for undergraduate programs in “Table 1” will be considered and used separately. Timeline for submitting these projects / presentations can be anywhere between the end of semester and examination week.
7. Open-Book Take-Home examination should be conducted during the examination week. Advisable time limit for take-home exam is double of the time for the normal on-campus examination. The date and time for the open-book take-home exam for each course shall be announced. The question paper will be shared with the students at the exam-time electronically. The students will have to submit their responses to the questions electronically by the end of exam-time.
8. In case of lab as a part of the course(s), 15 % weightage is to be assigned to assessment of lab work. Project / Presentation be assigned 20% weightage, Case Study / Take Home-Exam be assigned 15 % weightage, and Viva Voce be assigned 10% weightage.
9. Students who have short attendance despite putting continuous efforts for attending the classes but could not do so due to connectivity issues will be allowed to take exams.
10. Viva Voce exam should be conducted using the official Zoom account provided by UMT. All Viva Voce exams should be recorded for future reference.
11. In case of class strength is more than 40, the projects be given in Groups of 3 to 4 students. Viva Voce will however be conducted individually.
12. MCQs are not allowed due to connectivity and cheating issues.
13. For detailed guidance, HEC’s Policy Guidance No.6 issued on May 21,2020 with the title “HEC POLICY GUIDANCE SERIES ON COVID-19, GUIDANCE ON ASSESSMENTS AND EXAMINATIONS” may be consulted.
Grievance Mechanism for Final Term Examinations
Examination Policy of UMT includes a grievance mechanism for students who face special difficulties. A three-member committee (comprising of two faculty members and one member from the senior administration) is constituted to consider the complaints.
- 1. Mr. Rahat ul Ain (Professor, School of Governance & Society)
- 2. Dr. Sohail Afzal (Associate Professor & COD Life Sciences)
- 3. Mr. Haseeb Haider (Manager Examinations, Focal Person)
Policy Procedure:
- 1. The participant may launch a complaint through e mail at [email protected].
- 2. The Committee will evaluate the nature of complaint and resolve the grievance within one week’s time keeping in view the UMT rules and regulations.
- 3. The participant will be informed about the decision of the Committee within a week.
========================Examination Policy ends here===================
----------------------------------- OFFICE OF THE CONTROLLER OF EXAMINATIONS -----------------------------------