CMS Manual

How to Add New Page?

  • Click on the Page Management.

Page Management

  • Click on Add New Page Button (Top right of the page).

Manage Page Content

Step 1: Page Title and URL

  • Enter the Title of Page in Title Section
  • Enter URL of Page If any in URL Section.
  • Enter Page Title that you want to Display on your page in Page Title Section.


Step 2: Page Options

  • Set the order number of Page in Ordering Section.
  • Set the Page Display Menu option by selecting options in Display Section.
  • Set the parent of you current page by selecting Page in Parent Section.
  • Set the page to be Active or Inactive by Check/uncheck the Active Checkbox.
  • Set access of the page by selecting options in Access Section.
  • Set the image of the Page by browsing the image in Image Section.



Step 3: Page Content

  • Enter the Content on the Blank Section of page.
  • Use Toolbox Menu in order to give a style/format to your content.

Step 4: Apply&Save

  • Apply and Save your content.

Meta Keywords and Meta Description

Meta description tags, while not important to search engine rankings, are extremely important in gaining user click-through from SERPs. These short paragraphs are a webmaster’s opportunity to advertise content to searchers and to let them know exactly whether the given page contains the information they're looking for.