CMS Manual

CMS users only require basic computer skills, while familiarity with HTML is an added asset, it is not essential. Most people are comfortable using a CMS after attending a brief CMS training session.

CMS users do not require advanced technical skills. This means that anyone who can manage a MS Word document can enrich the web page assigned to him\her by placing appropriate content and images.

All that is required are basic computer skills. After receiving training from the OTE web team, CMS users will be equipped to keep their websites updated, add new pages, manage graphical elements, and much more.

Please note:

  • CMS accounts are given to UMT staff and faculty members only.
  • Only users that have been trained and given accounts by the Office of Technology Enablement may work in the UMT-CMS
  • Do not allow an unauthorized individual to use your CMS account as doing so would violate UMT policy
  • Any CMS account that has not been used for 90 days will be deactivated.

If you would like to request an account for the web content management system (CMS), complete and submit the Training form and a member of the web services team will contact you via email to schedule your training.