CMS Manual

How to Upload File?

Note : Maximum File size = 4mb

Select the File Management Option.



  1. Enter the Valid folder name (Enter only Alphabets and Numbers without Space) in Create Folder section. Where File will be upload.
  2. Click on the Create button to create a  folder.


  • Select the folder.


  1. Choose the File from you computer
  2. Click the Upload button on your right.



  • File has been uploaded successfully.

How to Copy File Url?

  • Press C icon under the file.

  • Select all the link and press Ctrl+C to copy the image URL.
  • Press Ok Button

How to Rename File?

  • Press Rename Icon icon under the image.

  1. Enter the name.
  2. Press Ok Button

How to Delete File?

  • Press Delete Icon under the image.

  • Select the Check Box.
  • Press Ok Button

How to Upload Image?

Note : Maximum Image size = 4mb

Select the File Management Option.



  1. Enter the Valid folder name (Enter only Alphabets and Numbers without Space)  in Create Folder section. Where Images will be upload.
  2. Click on the Create button to create a  folder.


  • Select the folder.


  1. Choose the Image/File from you computer
  2. Click the Upload button on your right.



  • Image has been uploaded successfully.

How to Copy Image?

  • Press C icon under the image.

  • Select all the link and press Ctrl+C to copy the image URL.
  • Press Ok Button

How to Rename Image?

  • Press Rename Icon icon under the image.

  1. Enter the name.
  2. Press Ok Button

How to Delete Image?

  • Press Delete Icon under the image.

  • Select the Check Box.
  • Press Ok Button