Office of Planning and Development

Monitor and Evaluate Performance

The University Planning Section conducts annual and quarterly Reviews which facilitate departments to take on self-evaluation, evaluate program quality and effectiveness, and analyze growth strategies the future. These reviews are conducted on three levels.

  • University Level
  • Academic Departments
  • University Management Offices


University Level

The “University Planning Section” monitors the performance at institutional level also. The office first devises the "Key Performance Indicators (KPI)". These KPIs are supported by quantitative and qualitative data collection methods like surveys, focus group discussions, and secondary research.

Academic Departments

Reviews of academic departments are conducted by University Planning Section which helps in analyzing quality and effectiveness of programs being delivered and handled by them. The review process provides a standardized and effectual means for collecting data; integrating, reporting, and analyzing the data; and making recommendations for growth and development.

University Management Offices

The University Planning Section firmly believes that University Management Offices play a pivotal role in creating a healthy environment at UMT and appreciates the difference they are making.

Planning Section makes sure that the performance expectations and strategic outcomes are clear in organizational context, and the key results are reported against these expectations. All University Management Offices prepare and submit their respective reports mapping onto the annual plans.

After rigorous analysis and verification, this data is transformed into meaningful information, and disseminated to concerned stakeholders. Throughout the process, from analysis to reporting, a special attention is paid to ensure the validity of data and its usefulness for performance monitoring system.

Strategic and Operational Planning

Planning Section’s process of defining strategy or direction for the University, and helping the Senior Management to make key decisions regarding allocation of its resources to pursue this strategy include the following roadmap and tools.

Developing strategic recommendations for optimizing growth

The mandate of the Planning Section is to build the present on the basis of the projections of the desired future. That is, to develop a road map to lead University of Management & Technology from where it is now to where it would like to be in five or ten years. This is done by identifying opportunities, analyzing problems, establishing priorities, understanding needs, and allocating available resources. This also includes the establishment of policies, procedures and standards of performance.

Benchmarking the best practices and facilitating their adaption across UMT

The Planning Section develops a core competency in prototyping, learning, applying and iterating best practices, and thus provides the most meaningful and valuable offerings to all the stakeholders of University of Management & Technology. The office identifies what the “people” at UMT want, and offers a range of plans & solutions that meet those needs. We do not simply put in place a set of plans and ideas and leave them but, on a regular basis, review and refine them.

Strategic Planning Model

The model for strategic planning used by the office is “Situation, Target, Path” (STP). STP divides the planning process into three components.

  • Situation             –             involves evaluating and analyzing the current situation.
  • Target                   –             involves defining goals and objectives for the future.
  • Path                       –             involves defining a path to achieve the goals or future state.

Strategic Planning Tools

There is a wide variety of tools available for strategic planning. The “University Planning Section” takes great care in the selection of any particular tool as it must be the best fit in the given circumstances. Therefore, much time and input is given while selecting the strategic planning tools, and many a times a fusion of two or more tools is used for getting the best results.

Organizational Development

In University Planning Section, primary consideration is given towards capacity building that focuses on understanding the obstacles that inhibit people, processes, and systems from realizing their developmental goals while enhancing the abilities that will allow them to achieve measurable and sustainable results.

Business Process Reengineering

The “University Planning Section” develops a competency in business process reengineering of the core and support processes, and believes that BPR must be accompanied by strategic planning, which must place the students at the center of the reengineering effort – concentrate on those processes that lead to delays or other negative impacts on services provided to students.

Internal Planning

The “University Planning Section” puts great importance to internal planning. The office carefully analyzes the possible utilization of available resources, and gives suggestions to senior management regarding how to deploy them within university. By doing this, the office ensures that UMT is taking effective decisions on the basis of timely & appropriate information, and implementing decisions with effective communication.