Office of Technology Enablement

Securing your data is the utmost priority of any IT user. Your data in your hard disk or online is protected through an anti-virus or some internet security tools, but you have to take your own measures for your data protection. We suggest a triangular solution for your data protection:

Know Your Data

First Step to secure you data is to know

  • How much do you have data?
  • How much of the data is important?
  • What proportion of your data is insignificant?
  • Which data has what priority level?
  • Which of your data you want to secure/safe from loss?

Plan and Manage

Plan out your data and keep it managed  For example; you have to put a computer software assignment#5, you must put file into a drive say "D", in way
University/2020/August/Computer/Software/Assignments/Assignment#5. Such practice of managing data will let you plan out your data. A managed data is easier to locate and to prioritize. Do not increase your data size through unimportant image and multimedia files.

Note: Putting your data on desktop is not a good practice.


Take backup of your data on regular basis. Medium of your regular backup is preferred to be CD/DVD. The more you had "Plan & Manage" data, the more you had offered yourself ease in backing up your data. You must also check backup files to make sure your data has been transferred successfully or not.